Holt Construction Group, Inc.

111 East McCarty Street Indianapolis, IN 46225-3322


Preferred Supplier

Member Since: 1988

Photo of Holt Construction Group, Inc.

Organization Overview

29+ Years of Service
Since 1986 Holt has provided successful service to our clients, many of which are highlighted in our projects. One call will ensure that your roofing concerns are managed. From dimensional and 3-tab shingles to EPDM rubber roofs, we can cover all your roofing needs. Just Call Holt today for a FREE inspection and proposal.
Photo of Holt Construction Group, Inc.


Christian Carmin

Vice President

Bill Holt


Chris Hancock

Chris Scudder

Account Manager

Colin McAtee

Production Manager

Greg Schultz

Jana Herrell


Jason Fox

Jay Young

Jennifer Ahles


Jenny Brooking

Julie Bean

Kelli VanDeman

Levi Cate

Production Manager

Lyndsey Holt

Vice President

Rick Hayes

Steve Decker

Sr. Project Manager

Tom Robertson

Tracy Holt

Troy Wyatt

Wade Michael

Account Manager


Area Councils - Bloomington, Area Councils - Lafayette, Area Councils - Jeffersonville, Area Councils - South Bend, Area Councils - Merrillville, Area Councils - Evansville, Carpentry, Construction, Fire & Disaster Damage Restoration, Painters, Renovation, Roofing, Smoke, Water & Odor Restoration Services, Water Damage Service

Enhanced Supplier Area Listings

Bloomington, Evansville, Jeffersonville, Lafayette, Merrillville, South Bend