Media Matters: How to Partner with Journalists for Positive Coverage

Thursday, January 30, 2025
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM (EST)
Free Zoom Webinar
Category: Education

Media interviews may seem intimidating, but they don’t have to be. In this webinar, you'll learn the dos and don’ts of working with journalists to secure a positive outcome in the headlines. Having this knowledge can help you navigate a situation where a journalist shows up unannounced at a property. Knowing the do's and don'ts can give you the confidence to handle the situation and helping you to comply with your company's media policies. Sarah Holsapple, former broadcast journalist and company spokesperson, has experience on both sides of the camera—asking tough questions and delivering thoughtful responses. Now the co-owner of Line One, Sarah conducts media training for clients across various industries, including real estate, healthcare, legal, aviation and education. Line One has also worked with the Indiana Apartment Association for over a year, gaining a deep understanding of industry-specific issues.

In addition to sharing interview tips, Sarah will discuss when it’s better to decline an in-person interview and opt for a written statement instead, or even when it might be best to pass on an interview altogether. After this webinar, you’ll handle your next interaction with media feeling confident, prepare and ready to succeed

Learning Objectives:  
  • Understanding the Media Landscape and how the 24-hour news cycle shapes coverage.
  • Mastering Interview Skills to help you feel confident and prepared when speaking with the media.
  • Crafting Compelling Statements that capture attention and deliver your message effectively.
  • Knowing When to Decline an Interview and how to handle situations where it’s best to opt out.


CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDIT: In order to earn Continuing Education Credits (CECs), viewers must attend the live virtual class. No credit will be earned from watching the recording posted to our website following the class. Attendees are encouraged to turn on their video cameras and participate in any poll questions/open discussion from the speaker(s). Credit hours are based on webinar duration.

Sarah Holsapple
Sarah Holsapple

Former reporter turned company spokesperson, Sarah Holsapple’s expertise in public relations and media relations comes from her experience on both sides of the camera.

Sarah worked in various Indiana news markets before moving to Indianapolis. Highlights of her TV career include interviewing then Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama as they stumped their way through Indiana during the primary election in 2008. Sarah eventually left TV to work as a spokesperson for former Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard and then Citizens Energy Group.

Now as the owner of Line One, Sarah puts her storytelling skills to use each day for her clients. Whether garnering national media attention for a device to help people combat opioid withdrawal, working with the mayor’s staff to pitch local media stories about new businesses opening or prepping state-level directors for media interviews, Sarah believes every client has a story to tell.

Sarah was a 2022 recipient of the Indianapolis Business Journal's Forty Under 40 award. She graduated from the Stanley K. Lacy Executive Leadership Series in 2015. She is a current member of the Indianapolis Children's Museum Guild and was a member of the Junior League of Indianapolis for nearly a decade. Sarah and her husband live in Indianapolis with their three children.

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