2024 Multifamily Industry Summit

Join us on November 19th for the annual Industry Summit. This event provides owners, executives, and developers with a wealth of information from leaders in the industry. Join us to hear about trends, developments and opportunities in the multifamily industry from state and national experts.
Attendees will hear national speaker Roger Valdez discuss preemptions and housing policies that could aid in the national housing crisis. Additional speakers will discuss local, state and federal laws affecting multifamily housing, as well as economic factors driving housing decisions. A panel of multifamily executives will discuss issues impacting the industry and give their perspective of how they are adapting to the many changes the industry is facing. The event will close with IAA's annual Industry Outlook hosted by George Tikijian and Hannah Ott of CBRE.
$125 member full program
$95 Industry Outlook only
Registration Opens: 12:30pm
Compliance Panel 1:00-1:45pm
Make sure your business entities are in compliance with recent changes in the multifamily industry.
Vanessa Tabler with Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath, LLP is a highly skilled corporate attorney who also leads Faegre’s Corporate Transparency Act Task Force, a cross-practice team that helps clients navigate the compliance and reporting obligations under the law. She will detail the latest information regarding the Corporate Transparency Act, which becomes effective on January 1, 2025. This new requirement impacts most business entities and requires disclosure of ownership interests.
Mike Patarino, President of Construction at Cityscape Residential, has been involved in the construction industry for 40 years. His multifaceted experience includes roles as a draftsman, project manager, construction manager, director, vice president, and president of construction. He will provide an update on the fire, building, and electrical codes, which are under review this year, detailing some of the costly provisions included and excluded from the new code.
Vanessa S. Tabler, Partner, Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP
Mike Patarino, President of Construction, Cityscape Residential
Indiana University Economic Overview 2:00-2:45pm
The Indiana Business Research Center uses data, practical research, and strategic insight to help businesses, communities, and organizations make better decisions and forecast their future.
Phil Powell is Executive Director of the Indiana Business Research Center and Associate Clinical Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy at the Indiana University Kelley School of Business. He will assess the current condition of the state and national economy and provide a 2025 forecast for each. He will offer specific insights on drivers of demand and supply in the Indiana multifamily market and provide advice on business strategy for the next year.
Phil Powell, Executive Director, Indiana Business Research Center and Clinical Associate Professor, Indiana University
Policy and Promise: The Important Role of State Legislatures for Rental Housing 3:00-3:45pm
Roger Valdez thinks, writes, works on housing, and advocates for progressive supply side solutions to inflation. He is Director of the Center for Housing Economics and a Research Fellow at the Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity (FREOPP). Valdez has been a housing developer, staff for state and local elected officials, a research associate at a sustainability think tank, managed political campaigns, and implemented population-based health programs at public health departments.
Local governments in Indiana can’t make changes to contracts between housing providers and residents. Preemption is an underutilized tool to create more coherent housing policies; what other ways could it be used? And how can state legislators create better and more consistent policies to support resident needs instead of making them worse? He will answer these questions and also discuss what housing policies could be in play under either a Trump or Harris administration.
Roger Valdez, Director of the Center for Housing Economics and Research Fellow at the Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity (FREOPP).
Valdez is also a frequent contributor to Forbes.
Executive Leadership Panel 4:00-5:00pm
Our panel of prominent executives in the multifamily industry will be available to share their thoughts on the state of the industry and discuss opportunities and challenges that you and your teams may be facing. You will hear the insider’s view on where they feel the potential growth in our market is and what changes we may be seeing in the future.
Kristie Arnst, Executive Vice President, Buckingham Companies
Kristie is a multifamily veteran with experience in all facets of real estate investment including investor relations, asset management, property management, marketing and sales. She joined Buckingham Companies in September of 2020. She leads the further development of Buckingham's leadership team, the vertical integration of its portfolio, and the company's continued growth alongside its institutional real estate investors and third-party clients.
Ryan Thie, Vice President, Asset Management, The BAM Companies
Ryan responsibilities include the oversight and analysis of the BAM Companies portfolio’s performance and assisting in acquisitions, dispositions, and financing. Ryan has been a member of the BAM Fam since 2014. He possesses a diverse background in property and asset management. Ryan’s unique, well-rounded skill set, and experience helps add value to the BAM Companies through identifying key opportunities and efficiencies to help optimize revenue and expenses. This ultimately maximize returns for our investors.
Chad Greiwe, COO, Zidan Management Group
Chad is responsible for designing comprehensive goals for performance and growth of ZMG's acquisition and development portfolios. Additionally, Chad oversees daily operations of the company and works with our leadership team, while analyzing and interpreting data and metrics to ensure peak performance.
Cocktail Reception 5:00-6:00pm
2024 Industry Outlook 6:00-7:00pm
The team at CBRE will join us to provide their perspective on what we can expect to see in the coming year. George Tikijian, Hannah Ott, Cameron Benz & Claire Hassfurther of CBRE’s Indianapolis-based Multifamily team, will detail transactions, deliveries, costs, and trends in 2024 before shifting their focus to predictions regarding the multifamily housing markets statewide in 2025 and beyond. This presentation is always as entertaining as it is informative to any developer, investor, or executive seeking to grow their portfolio.
George Tikijian, Vice Chairman, CBRE
George is a Vice Chairman and co-leads CBRE’s Indianapolis-based Multifamily team. George has specialized in the sale of apartment communities since 1984, starting his career at CBRE, where he was employed for 20 years before becoming the founding multifamily advisor of Tikijian Associates. During his 40-year career, George has been involved in the sale of more than 600 apartment communities & 140,000 units, with a total consideration in excess of $10 Billion.
Hannah Ott, Vice Chairman, CBRE
Hannah is a Vice Chairman and co-leads the Indianapolis-based Multifamily team at CBRE. Hannah has more than 20 years of experience selling multifamily properties in with Midwest and has led or been involved in the sale of more than 400 multifamily properties / 92,000+ apartment units with a total consideration of almost $8 billion.
Cameron Benz, First Vice President, CBRE
Cameron is a First Vice President with CBRE's Indianapolis-based Multifamily team and has personally been involved in the sale of over 43,000 apartment units with a total consideration in excess of $5.1 Billion.
Claire Hassfurther, Associate, CBRE
Claire is an Associate with CBRE's Indianapolis-based Multifamily team and has personally been involved in the sale of over 22,000 apartment units with a total consideration in excess of $3.2 Billion .
Attendees (275)
Robyn Ackermann
Valet Living
Sue Anthony Follmar
Regional Vice President
Regency Windsor Management Inc.
Taylor Ardizzone
The Ardizzone Group
Kristie Arnst
Executive Vice President
Buckingham Companies
Ayman Assaf
Olive Branch Management
Brent Auberry
Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath, LLP
Patrick Bailey
Senior Vice President
ICS Advanced Technologies
John Baker
Chief Investment Officer
Zidan Management Group, Inc.
Carrie Ballard
Sales Support Lead
Alec Bannister
Acquisitions Manager
BAM Capital
Bryan Barrett
Barrett & Stokely, Inc.
Patricia Basile
Assistant Professor of Geography
Indiana University
Tyler Beard
Senior Associate II
CBIZ Somerset
Katy Beaven
General Manager
Lantern Woods Apartments
Cameron Benz
First Vice President
Dave Brackett
Senior Vice President of Property Operations
Milhaus Management, LLC
Logan Braunecker
Financial Analyst
Adam Broderick
Lauth Group
Jennifer Brown
Sales Support Coordinator
Haley Brutus
Regional Director of Sales
Valet Living
Evan Bryant
VP of Land Acquisitions
Cityscape Residential
David Burch
Director of Operations
Iron Men Property Management
Sean Busch
Todd Cannon
Director of Business Development
Bone Dry Commercial Roofing
Jon Cappel
Senior Vice President - Real Estate
Marsh & McLennan Agency
Christian Carmin
Vice President
Holt Construction Group, Inc.
Sandy Carmin
Vice President of Operations
Englert Mgmt Corp.
Christina Carr
Regional Manager
J.C. Hart Company, Inc.
Chris Carter
Hometown Property Group, LLC
Julie Carter
HomeTown Property Group
Laurie Carter
Hometown Property Group, LLC
Robbie Carter
Hometown Property Group, LLC
Grant Chapman
CRG Residential
Tiffannie Charles
Regional Solutions Specialist
Adam Chavers
Chief Development Officer
Alexander Cole
Acquisitions Manager
Ackermann Group
Rebecca Collins
Director of Communications & Property Management
Aaron Connell
AVP, Loan Review Officer
Lake City Bank
Michael Copfer
Vice President of Land Acquisition
HILLS Properties
Chantal Crabtree
Director of Corporate Procurement & Operations
Kittle Property Group Inc
Brian Cranor
Co-Founder and Principal
Cityscape Residential
Eric Cunningham
LED Indy
Carissa Davis
Director of Property Management
Edward Rose & Sons
Joe Dayan
SVP Sales & Marketing
LED Indy
Peter DeLee
Land Analyst
CRG Residential
Geri Denger
The BAM Companies
Leen Dhillon
The Heartland Builders
Dan Dierlam
Senior Lender Commercial Real Estate
Everwise Credit Union
John Dietzen
Vice President
Lake City Bank
Joe Donaldson
National Account Manager
HD Supply Facilities Maintenance
Catherine Donley
Account Dev Mgr., Multi-family Team Lead
PPG Paints
Kevin Donohoe
Executive Vice President
Equity Property Management, LLC
Stephanie Drake
Sales Executive
Austin Dumas
Senior Acquisitions Associate
Lauth Communities
Adam Ehret
President & COO
BAM Management LLC
John Ehrhardt
Vice President, Property Management
Gene B. Glick Company, Inc.
Emilie Elliott
Vice President of Operations
ONiT Painting
Evan Elpers
Indianapolis Regional Property Manager
Van Rooy Properties
David Englert
VP of Investment Strategy
Thompson Thrift Residential
Jon Faulkenberg
Frank Ferconio
Real Estate Dept Analyst
Gene B. Glick Company, Inc.
Ethan Fernhaber
Renewing Management
Angela Fielder
Vice President of Real Estate Operations
Weiss Entities
Robert Flaherty
Senior Development Associate
Flaherty & Collins Properties
Luke Flowers
Director of Technology
Iron Men Property Management
Jack Follmar
Regional Facilities Manager
Regency Windsor Management Inc.
Nick Ford
Commercial Unit Business Manager
California Closets
Mike Fritton
CBIZ Somerset
Amanda Fritz
Business Development
Bone Dry Roofing
Nick Fuhrman
Vice President
The Ardizzone Group
Dan Gable
JG2 Companies
Kristen Gadberry
Regional Vice President
Barrett & Stokely, Inc.
Deb Gardner
Regional Manager
J.C. Hart Company, Inc.
Tom Genetti
Managing Director
David George
CRG Residential
Aaron Gilbert
WeDo Maintenance
Jonathan Goodburn
Chief Financial Officer
Lauth Group
Jared Grable
The Property Groups LLC
Brad Grabow
Senior Vice President
Lake City Bank
Katrina Greene
Senior Vice President
Gray Residential
Chad Greiwe
Chief Operating Officer
Zidan Management Group, Inc.
Jereme Grinslade
Sales Manager
Heartwood Enterprises
Kimberly Hansen
Old Town Companies
Duke Hardy
WN Hardy Real Estate, LLC
Sam Harmon
Business Development Manager
Ardizzone Enterprises
Austin Hart
Marketing & Resident Experience Coordinator
Johnny Hart
Director of Development
J.C. Hart Company, Inc.
Michael Hart
Senior Vice President & CFO
J.C. Hart Company, Inc.
Claire Hassfurther
Andrew Hauer
Land Acquistions Manager
Thompson Thrift Residential
Jim Hein
National Account Executive
The Sherwin-Williams Company
Andrew Held
President & COO
Birge & Held
Nicholas Henderson
Accounting Manager
Zidan Management Group, Inc.
John Hennessey
Domo Development
Tim Hentrup
Director of Compliance & Training
Englert Mgmt Corp.
Matt Hicks
Commercial Sales Representative
ONiT Painting
Esti Hinojosa
Communications and Software Administrator
Willow Bridge Property Company
Dan Hirst
Barrett & Stokely, Inc.
John Holden
Sr. Vice President
Busey Bank
Lyndsey Holt
Vice President
Holt Construction Group, Inc.
Caitlin Holtzapple
Regional Manager
Nolan Real Estate
Megan Hughes
Vice President
OpenBox Roofing & Restoration
Megan Hunt
Regional Director of Sales
GreenWay Waste & Recycling
Boo Huntington
Financial Analyst
BAM Capital
Boris Ivanov
Investing Analyst
Buckingham Companies
Brady Jacoba
Nicole James
Regional Director
Hunt Pacific Management
Chris Jasin
Financial Analyst
CRG Residential
Thomas Jasin
Senior Development Manager
Scannell Properties
Bill Jones
National Account Manager
HD Supply Facilities Maintenance
Mark Juleen
Chief Operating Officer
J.C. Hart Company, Inc.
Austin Katai
Associate Director
Ryan Kiley
Land Analyst
CRG Residential
Dave King
Regional Account Executive
The Sherwin-Williams Company
Kirby Kinghorn
Muesing Management Company, Inc.
Kacie Kirby
Project Manager
Eye 4 Group
Chris Kirles
Flaherty & Collins Properties
Gabriel Klinker
Investor Relations
Old Town Companies
J.R. Knight
Eye 4 Group
Michael Koch
Senior Analyst
Charlie Kurtz
J.C. Hart Company, Inc.
Kristen LaPorte
Director, Business Intelligence
Buckingham Companies
Majda Larson
Sales Manager
The Sherwin-Williams Company
John Lassaux
CRG Residential
Dezerai Legg
Senior Sales Executive
Chelsea Leiter Thompson
Vice President of Development
Browning Real Estate Partners
Amy Leonard
District Sales Manager
Courtney Linderson
Vice President of Marketing
Barrett & Stokely, Inc.
Ryan Lints
Regional Manager
Milhaus Management, LLC
Danielle Littlejohn
Regional Manager
Milhaus Management, LLC
Matt Locke
CEO @ Brightstep (Greenway Parent Company)
GreenWay Waste & Recycling
Karen Lonergan
Regional Sales Executive
Valet Living
Jasmine Lu
VP Accounting
Barrett & Stokely, Inc.
Beth Lykins
Sr. Account Executive
Jason Lynch
IRT Management, LLC
Rachel Mace
Senior Associate II
CBIZ Somerset
Dan Mallon
Chief Operating Officer, Partner
Lauth Communities
Tom Mariani
General Counsel
Barrett & Stokely, Inc.
Tate Martin
5 Star Pest Solutions, LLC
Spencer Martinelle
HSC Pavement Maintenance
Cody Maxwell
Financial Analyst
BAM Management LLC
Kyle May
Old Town Companies
Todd May
Senior Vice President Development
J.C. Hart Company, Inc.
Chad McCool
VP, Asset Manager
Barrett & Stokely, Inc.
Nick McCrackin
Director of Acquisitions
JG2 Companies
Cindy McDaniel
Account Manager
Scattered Sites JR Sheets & Co.
Brad McDowell
HSC Pavement Maintenance
Peter Meehan
Acquisitions Associate
Ackermann Group
Ross Merder
Director of Development
CRG Residential
Bruce Merrill
CBIZ Somerset
Erica Metzger
Director of Asset Management
Scannell Properties
Jeanne Milan
Regional Director
Samaritan Companies
Bruce Mills
Vice President of Business Operations
Van Rooy Properties
Ally Monroe
Mike Montana
Vice President
Kipper Construction, Inc
Jeffrey Moyer
Real Estate Analyst
Gene B. Glick Company, Inc.
Beth Muncie
Vice President, Human Resources
Barrett & Stokely, Inc.
Ellie Myrvold
Investment Sales Analyst
Jordan Nakaguchi
Senior Associate
CBIZ Somerset
Ashlyn Nave
Regional Property Manager
Willow Bridge Property Company
Christine Nealis
Sales Support Lead
Dakota Nelson
Multifamily & Commercial Sales
The Heartland Builders
Sam Orman
Associate Director
Cole Ortega
Senior Associate
S2 Capital
Hannah Ott
Vice Chairman
Luly Pacheco
Account Development Manager
PPG Paints
Mike Patarino
President of Construction
Cityscape Residential, LLC
Bobby Penny
General Manager
5 Star Pest Solutions, LLC
Suzanne Peperak
Chief Operating Officer
Barrett & Stokely, Inc.
Mary Ellen Perin
National Account Manager
APCO Supply
Cathy Pimley
Assistant Property Manager
Willow Bridge Property Company
Sean Pingel
Financial Analyst
Joe Powell
Vice President of Facilities & Projects
Gray Residential
Dave Powers
CRG Residential
Dalton Pullum
Business Manager
Federal Hill Apartments
Salma Quddoura
Zidan Management Group, Inc.
Ali Rahimi
Keivan Rahimi
Property Manager
Renaissance Property Management, Inc.
Chris Reckley
Director of Acquisitions
Dietz Property Group
Bill Redman
Senior Vice President
Lake City Bank
Katie Reed
Regional Manager
J.C. Hart Company, Inc.
Chris Reid
CRG Residential
Randy Reifel
Business Development Manager
Mohawk Industries, Inc.
Calvin Riddle
Director of Land Acquisitions
Thompson Thrift
Meaghan Riddle
Revenue Manager
Gene B. Glick Company, Inc.
Grant Riordan
Development Analyst
Holladay Properties
Kevin Roach
Centennial Mortgage Inc
Beth Roberts
Property Manager
Hunters Point
Jackie Roberts
Regional Manager
J.C. Hart Company, Inc.
Andy Sahm
Executive Vice President of Development
Barrett & Stokely, Inc.
Ryan Sanders
Director of Asset Management
Flaherty & Collins Properties
Mike Sandry
Co-Founder | Marketing & Operations
Iron Men Property Management
Clay Scheetz
Principal & Managing Director
Great Lakes Capital/Sanduster Capital
Tim Schlichte
First Vice President
Lake City Bank
Katy Schmidt
Vice President Residential Management
Hendricks Commercial Properties, LLC
Kyle Schmidt
Vice President, Loan Review Officer
Lake City Bank
Brian Schroeder
Sales-Professional Services and Products
Behr Paint
Greg Scott
Drive Home Capital
Nicole Scott
Drive Home Capital
Ryan Scott
Volumod/Renewing Management
Russ Seiler
VP, Finance & Development
Van Rooy Properties
Deanna Settles
Director of Management Services/ Marketing Development
Samaritan Companies
Jennifer Sewell
Vice President
Cityscape Residential, LLC
Timothy Shafer
HI Management
Jim Sheets
JR Sheets & Co. LLC
Sibghat Sheikh
VP Development
Renewing Management
Kurt Shoemaker
Nick Shrout
Director of Operations
Samaritan Companies
Joe Simon
Renovations National Manager
Chadwell Supply
Navi Singh
Real Estate Analyst
Gene B. Glick Company, Inc.
Carrie Sitterley
Asset Manager
Sentinel Real Estate Corp
Jordan Smith
Assistant Vice President
Lake City Bank
Katie Smith
All Pro Heating & Air
Lara Smith
Senior Sales Executive
Zak Smith
Tom Sovich
OpenBox Roofing & Restoration
Ryan Stockamp
Financial Analyst
Alex Stokely
Barrett & Stokely, Inc.
Andrew Stokely
Barrett & Stokely, Inc.
Chandler Sturgis
Development Associate
J.C. Hart Company, Inc.
Max Stutsman
Team Lead
Busey Bank
Jacob Swiney
Investing Analyst
Buckingham Companies
Greg Sylvester
BAM Management LLC
Liz Taylor
Vice President of Sales
GreenWay Waste & Recycling
Travis Taylor
Program Consultant Multifamily
Ryan Thie
Vice President, Asset Management
BAM Management LLC
Scott Thoman
CBIZ Somerset
Jim Thomas
Principal & Co-Founder
Cityscape Residential
Dan Tikijian
Vice President, Investments
Birge & Held
George Tikijian
Vice Chairman
Lily Tikijian
Sr. Director of Communications & Engagement
Thompson Thrift
Scott Tod
SGT Commercial Group LLC
Karen Tolley
Vice President-Operations
Muesing Management Company, Inc.
Chuck Townsend
Sheehan Property Mgmt, Inc.
MJ Trujillo
Founder, Managing Member
PRAXM Management LLC
Dennis Voelkel
Thrasher Buschmann & Voelkel
Sawyer Ward
Penny Warner
National Account Manager
Chadwell Supply
Betsy Weber
Sr. Account Executive
Brandon Wells
WeDo Maintenance
Chris Wilkes
Sr. Vice President
Holladay Properties
Ray Williams
Director of Maintenance
Kittle Property Group Inc
Zachary Wise
Maintenance Operations Manager
Birge & Held
Andrea Wolf
Director of Finance
Core Redevelopment LLC
Joie Woods
Closing Analyst
Susan Wright
Director of Property Management
Milhaus Management, LLC
Evan Wyss
Director of Asset Management
Cityscape Residential
Ayman Yasin
A.Y. Remodeling and Restoration
Cassie Zentko
The Property Groups LLC